Advanced Uninstaller PRO 13.27

Advanced Uninstaller PRO 13.27

Uninstall software & clean registry. Detect malware, delete browser history, remove duplicates
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13.27.0 See all
Innovative Solutions
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4

Enable the complete removal of Windows programs, eliminating any residual files and registry entries associated with them. Additionally, the tool is capable of identifying and eliminating malicious software, erasing browsing history, deleting duplicate files, monitoring browser extensions, and cleaning up temporary files.

The most common solution for removing applications from your PC is to uninstall them from the Control Panel tool. However, it's not as efficient as you'd probably think as there's still a chance that some of its associated files might be left behind. A smart solution would be to use an app that's specialized in deleting programs from your PC. A good example is Advanced Uninstaller PRO.

This program is more than its name implies. Not only it lets you uninstall apps from your computer without leaving any traces behind, it's also capable of reclaiming disk space, removing unneeded files, protecting your privacy, and so much more.

You don't need much computer experience in order to handle this application. All of its built-in tools have easy-to-configure settings and the interface is very intuitive. The integrated uninstaller automatically detects all of the installed apps and allows you to select multiple tools for removal. Once the chosen programs are removed from your PC, Advanced Uninstaller PRO starts scanning your computer for files associated with the deleted tool and lets you choose which ones to erase and which ones to keep. more

AG Senior editor
Ashley Griggs
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Comes with a built-in search tool
  • Helps you find and delete files associated with the app you wish to remove
  • Finds and deletes duplicated files
  • Reclaims disk space


  • Supports only 3 browsers (Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome)

Comments (3)

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rating Morris
Easy to use and does more than non-free programs and without strings attached

Dec 31, 2023 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply
I find the program easy to use and reliable.

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Using for many years safe accurate and dependable

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